On 06/15/2020 an international AUDITOR web session took place with the participation of about 60 participants. The web session was attended by participants from various institutions (in particular data protection authorities and accreditation bodies) and countries (e.g. Finland, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Ukraine, Japan, Turkey, Hungary, France, Czech. Rep., Latvia, Belgium, etc.).
Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) opened the web session and gave an overview of the status quo of the AUDITOR project. Subsequently, the participants were informed about the updates on the AUDITOR criteria catalogue by Johannes Müller (University of Kassel). Finally, Thomas Niessen (Kompetenznetzwerk Trusted Cloud) moderated an open discussion („Identifying national Data Protection Acts and provisions for cloud service providers in the private sector that are relevant for the AUDITOR certification“) and gave an outlook on the next steps of AUDITOR.
The web session showed that AUDITOR is experiencing great interest at the European level and that other countries are intensively following the work already completed and future steps. The web session forms the basis for further future cooperations between the AUDITOR consortium and the representatives of other EU countries.